Chapter 7 - Recommendations

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The report concludes with a short list of recommendations to practically address the incidents that took place in the ABSDF-Northern camp. The Truth and Justice Committee believes the following recommendations are in the best interests of the survivors, the family members and the ABSDF as a whole.

Daughter of U Maung Sein shows her father's phogo

To the ABSDF

  1. Provide health assistance and rehabilitation services to survivors and the families of those killed.
  2. Officially reinstate the ABSDF membership of those who had it taken away.
  3. Individuals responsible for violations must provide official apologies.
  4. Revoke the leadership position in Central Leading Committee of any person involved in violations in the ABSDF-Northern camp. Bar any person involved in violations in the ABSDF-Northern Camp from holding leadership positions in Central Leading Committee in the future.

To the government of Burma

  1. Enact policy and legislation to provide rehabilitation* to survivors and victims of the ABSDF-Northern Camp and all victims of human rights violations.
  2. Recognize the report of the Truth and Justice Committee and support future initiatives for dealing with the past.
  3. Help to build a society that respects the Rule of Law and promotes accountability. 

To national human rights groups and civil society organizations

  1. Actively support truth-seeking initiatives and investigations that shed light on human rights violations.
  2. Launch and/or promote initiatives that honor the victims and survivors of the ABSDF-Northern camp, and all victims of Burma’s conflict.
  3. Assist in providing psychosocial support and rehabilitation services for survivors and victims of violations in the ABSDF-Northern camp, and all survivors of human rights violations in Burma.